
RasTherm - A Smart Thermostat based on the
Raspberry Pi
Bertrand Zauhar, VE2ZAZ
Page last updated:
presents my implementation of a smart
thermostat using the Raspberry
Pi board as the controller, with an
added Pi Plate expansion board. This
thermostat is controlled using a web page
interface, so it can be controlled via any
personal computer, smart phone or tablet with
a regular browser. There is even a possibility
to control it using another application via
TCP/IP socket messages.
I have created this web page to share my
experience on using the Raspberry Pi in a
thermostat context. You should not consider
the solution detailed below as a final product
to copy. Considering the potential hazards
that playing with heating and air conditioning
systems represents, I shall not be held
responsible for any mishaps that may happen
as a result of implementing this thermostat
solution. Besides, I am not claiming to
be a good software writer... So use it at your
own risk!
idea of having a state of the art thermostat
to control my home central furnace and air
conditioning has always been on my back
burner. Of
course, there exists commercially
available smart thermostats. But hey are
expensive and do not do what I want as far
as features. Besides, where is the fun in
buying it?
of the Raspberry Pi board opened a new world
and allowed for elaborate thermostat feature
development via simplified programming.
Using any microcomputer platform like PIC or
Arduino is possible, but the Ethernet stack,
a web server and plotting functions are not
something you can easily develop on such
hardware. The Raspberry Pi, being a full
computer running Linux, makes the above task
development relatively easy, as support for
these features is built-in.
The idea behind this smart
thermostat project is to provide the same
basic features as a regular programmable
thermostat to begin with, namely:
- Current temperature and
humidity measurement and display,
- Seven-day programming for
both heating and cooling modes,
- 4-wire interface (Common,
Heat, Cool, Blower),
- Manual program override
(and self-return to program),
- Built-in clock.
This implementation adds the
following nice features, which really
differentiate this from a regular thermostat:
- Web interface,
touch-friendly, for control and
programming instead of LCD display and
- Seven-day programming of blower
cycles to recirculate air at predetermined
periods of the day,
- Outdoor temperature
display via weather
service RSS feed
- Ability to control the thermostat using text commands
sent through TCP/IP socket messages. I use
this to control from my home phone
Asterisk PBX.
- Solid state relays
(PhotoMOS) instead of dry mechanical
- Web authentication by
means of user ID and password,
- Temperature and On-Off
cycle plotting on a per-day basis, in .PDF
or .PNG output format, with a seven-day
back log.
- An optional Watchdog
function using a separate autonomous PIC
micro-controller. Safety First!
The Software Platform
The Linux distribution I used on the Pi
is Raspbian,
a free operating system based on Debian
optimized for the Raspberry Pi hardware. I
elected to use Python 2.7 scripts to program
this thermostat. Much of the required python libraries are already
installed as part of the Raspbian Linux disto.
The following
are the Python libraries I use to augment the
Python experience on Raspbian:
- Flask
as the web server. It is
lighter than Apache and it integrates
seamlessly into Python. Follow these
instructions to install Flask on the
to control the Raspberry Pi General
Purpose Input Output (GPIO) pins. It is an
improved version of RPi.GPIO. It also
allows to manage interrupts from I/O
pins and TCP/IP Socket within Python with
just a few commands. Follow
instructions to install RPIO on the
- Pychart to generate the
temperature and activity plots. To me,
this seems like the simplest yet a quite
flexible package for generating charts out
of raw data. Type "sudo apt-get install
python-pychart" to install Pychart.
- Feedparser
as the RSS client engine. This is
optional, but it allows to retrieve and
display weather data, such as outdoor
temperature, sourced from a reliable
weather services. Follow
instructions to install Feedparser
on the Pi.
The rest of the programming
is in plain HTML, with a bit of embedded
Javascript wherever necessary.
Here is the
Python and HTML source code of my RasTherm
project. I hope it will give you some good
The Hardware
Of course, you need to obtain a
Raspberry Pi board. I suggest the B version
(either 256MB or 512 MB RAM) and an SD card
(8GB, class-10 recommended). An enclosure,
even the cheapest ($5), is highly desirable. A
suitable 5V DC supply with a micro-USB cable
is also required.
There are many ways to
support and interface the required electronics
to the Pi. I use the Pi
Plate. It is an add-on board of the same
dimensions, which sits right above the Pi.
Since the amount of external electronics is
small, there is more than enough room on the
Pi Plate. Look on eBay; you may find cheaper
pre-assembled copies of the Pi Plate...

The Pi Plate with the added RasTherm
hardware. Click
on images above to enlarge them.

The Raspberry Pi with mated Pi Plate.
Click on
images above to enlarge them.
For the temperature sensor, I have chosen the
Sensirion SHT10
Temperature/Humidity sensor. It is relatively
inexpensive, it uses a two-wire data interface
and can be operated at any clock rate,
something important if the cable between the
Pi and the sensor is long. Mine is 9 meters
long and reliable readings are achieved.
Please see the note
below on how to extend the length of the
cable to more than the specified 30 cm. This
is a small sensor with 0.050" pin pitch!, So
I mounted the sensor on a generic
SOIC-to-DIP adapter PCB, which makes the
connection to the cat-5 cable much easier.
SHT10 Sensor
mounted on interface PCB and connected up.
Click on images above to enlarge them.
I have elected to use the AQV21x
PhotoMOS solid
state relay family on the HVAC wiring instead
of mechanical latched relays, which are more
expensive, require more current to operate and
make noise. These solid state relays
(essentially fancy opto-couplers) on the other
hand only require 2 or 3 milliamperes to
operate, are reliable and sell for only a
couple of dollars each.
I have used
surface-mounted (SMT) 0805-size resistors and
capacitors in the circuit. This size fits very
well between the holes of the prototyping
area. The wire type used is AWG 30 wire-wrap
solid wire (the red wires). I have also used
AWG 24 stranded wire between the PhotoMOS
relays and the terminals.
Here is the
overall circuit schematic diagram of RasTherm.
Everything you see on this diagram is
implemented on the Pi Plate.
Circuit Schematic. Click on image above to
enlarge it.
The Watchdog
Also part
of the hardware is an optional firmware
watchdog. If you
are like me and your trust in the Pi is not
absolute, then you will like the idea of
having an independent watchdog to kick the Pi
in the butt if it ever crashes of freezes.
Remember, this is a thermostat that may
control a powerful furnace... I used the 8-pin Microchip
PIC12F683 micro-controller for the watchdog. I used BoostC to program the PIC micro
firmware to perform the watchdog functions. It will trigger a reset on
the Pi reset line (connector P6) if any of the
following abnormal conditions are detected:
- The Pi stops toggling one
of the GPIO pins at every second,
indicating that some of the software or
the operating system has crashed. The
watchdog will reset after 120 seconds of
pulse inactivity. This gives enough time
for the Pi to reboot.
- The heat relay is engaged
for more than 120 minutes, which is
normally highly unlikely,
- Both the heat and cool
relays are activated simultaneously, which
should never happen.
The watchdog circuit is equipped with
a red LED that, when
lit, indicates
that at least one Pi reset has been issued.
I have also added a watchdog reset/disable
toggle switch that will clear the
latched-lit LED and/or keep the watchdog
function from being triggered. This is
useful to disable the watchdog during
Long Sensor
Cable Length
Having the ability to locate the
temperature/humidity sensor farther from the
Raspberry Pi than a few centimeters is a must.
Unfortunately, the CMOS line drivers on both
the SHT10 sensor and the Pi are not designed
to drive long cables at a low controlled
impedance. Nevertheless, I have successfully
been able to use the sensor at the end of a 19
meter cable.
Here is how I have done this in the Python
software. I have programmed the clock
rate to 1 milli-second, so data rate is rather
slow. It could be even slower and it would
still be OK. How often do we need a
temperature reading? Right now there is a new
reading of temperature and humidity every 4
I am also using the checksum feature and am
rejecting any false data. Temperature and humidity
readings are dashed out on the web page when
invalid data is received, and the previous
data is kept.
The cabling
must also be done with care, otherwise it
will not work. Remember that even though the
data rate is slow, the sharp clock pulse
edges must also be taken care of. Here is
what you need to do.
- Use
CAT5 (Category 5) or better Ethernet
cable. We need the twisted pair feature
in this cable.
- For
the clock signal, use one twisted pair,
with the other wire of the pair
connected to ground.
- The
data and Vcc signal can use another
pair. These are not as critical.
- Add
a 100nF decoupling capacitor at the
sensor end, between Vcc and ground.
- Add
a 1 Kilo-ohm resistor at the Raspberry
Pi end in series with both the clock and
data wires. These resistors limit the
current of the CMOS drivers, which slows
down the signal edges and reduces
reflections. Without these series
resistors, the sensor will simply not
work with a long cable!
RasTherm website
By reading through the Python code, the reader
will figure out what is happening.
Directing your browser to the configured Flask
web server IP address and port (for my
implementation: will pop up a
user id and password popup window. Entering the
same userID and password as defined in the
Python script will pop up the RasTherm main
window. If you prefer, you can go directly to to get the
control window.
Main Window Fields
The main window is divided down into three
bands. The top band is the status bar. It
reports back the system status in text form. The
second band, located in the center, provided
control of the set temperature and indicates the
current temperature and relative humidity.
Animated wind mill icons also show whether the
furnace or A/C is currently running. The lower
band contains the system buttons. These have
toggle action. When enlarged, they show that the
function is active. In this zone there is also a
button to access the thermostat program editing
window. Finally, there is a debug button that
brings up the debug window, a place to generate
the temperature plots and issue a Raspberry Pi
restart or shutdown. The debug window is
password-protected with a different user ID and
password. Only you, the developer, should have
access to that window.
Field Refresh
The entire main window is composed of iframe
fields that get refreshed at intervals set in
their respective HTML files. There may be a
delay of a few seconds between a system action
and corresponding display on the main window.
This is inherent to HTML rendering refresh,
which is browser-issued and not server issued.
In other words, the web server can refresh a
field when there is an action (button pressed,
dropdrown menu selection, etc) performed by the
user. But when no action takes place, the only
way to refresh an plain HTML page is at a
regular interval. That interval can be changed,
but a balance between update delay and network
traffic must be found.
Change Delay
When the set temperature is changed or when the
mode (heat, cool) is changed, there is a 30
second delay in applying the new setting. This
is done to protect the HVAC system in case of an
erroneous setting by the user. This gives a
chance for the user to correct the mistake
before the system gets updated.
The override state needs a bit of
explanation. Whenever you are in
programmed mode (system follows the temperature
schedule), the user can override the current
setting simply be entering a new temperature.
The system will be in program-override state and
will keep that manually-set temperature until
the next entry in the schedule is met. A good
example of this is when you feel cold and want a
little boost of heat during the day. When the
night comes, the system will catch up with the
night program schedule and set the temperature
to the next programmed entry, thus leaving the
override mode.
IP Socket
I have
included the ability to control and query
RasTherm via an IP connection. The most common
way to do this is using the Socket module,
which is pre-built into Python. With the help
of the RPIO package, managing socket
interrupts is a breeze. Whenever data is
received via a socket packet, some Python code
is run. The socket_callback()
my script does that. For example, another
remote python script could send a text command
such as "get_current_temp" or "21.5" and RasTherm would return the current
temperature or an OK to the other end to
confirm that the command was received. I use
this feature to control RasTherm via my home
telephone system, in my case an Asterisk IP
phone PBX. I have mapped DTMF keypad entries
to various RasTherm functions. I use
Text-To-Speech to read back temperatures and
Adjustable Parameters
In the Debug page of the web interface, there
are two adjustable parameters. They are
"Temperature Cycle On/Off Threshold" and
"Temperature Sensor Correction". The Temperature
Cycle On/Off Threshold is the
temperature difference from the set temperature
at which the thermostat will activate and
de-activate the HVAC. For example, with a set
heating temperature of 21.0 °C and a threshold
of 0.5, the HVAC will start a heating cycle at
20.5 °C
and stop the cycle at 21.5 °C.
The other parameter is the Temperature
Sensor Correction. It is simply a temperature
offset to apply to the temperature readings. For
example, if the temperature sensor reading is
22.0 °C and the Temperature Sensor Correction is
-1.0, the actual thermostat temperature will be
21.0 °C.
Launch RasTherm at
Raspberry Pi Boot Up Time
In order to make RasTherm
automatically launch when the Raspberry Pi boots
up, you can add the following entries to the
/etc/rc.local file, just bellow the header
comments (the "&" character is
important; it launches the script in the
# Launch
RasTherm at startup
cd /home/pi/your_RasTherm_project_directory
sudo python
therm_main.py &
Features that were not
developed, but could be easily added:
- Automatic Heat-Cool switchover
feature ( I prefer to select A/C or furnace
mode myself),
- Real-Time_Clock with battery
backup, available pre-assembled on the web (as
long as you have internet connectivity, this
is not required),
- A switch to disconnect the
solid stare relays' +3.3V supply, which would
inhibit RasTherm
from controlling you HVAC system without
powering off the Raspberry Pi. This can be
done with an external switch. All you need to
do is disconnect the Common (C) wire.
- Easy selection between
Farenheit and Celsius temperature scales.
Currently, Celsius is hard-coded.
- Multi-Language web site
support. Currently, only French is
To increase system availability
and robustness, I suggest you follow these
- Use an uninterruptible
power supply (UPS) to feed you Raspberry Pi AC
- Leave your old
commercially-made thermostat connected in
parallel with RasTherm, but leave it in OFF
mode so that it does not interfere with RasTherm. If RasTherm ever becomes unavailable for a long
period, you can revert to your old thermostat.
- Install the 'fake-hwclock'
script on the Pi. This retrieves the last
known date and time at power up, which is much
better than reverting to 1970! Invoke "apt-get
install fake-hwclock" to install the package.
- Perform
Regular Raspberry Pi Reboots.
In order to
ensure that the system is always stable, it
is probably a good idea to schedule a Pi
reboot at a fixed interval, for example once
a week, at night. The Cron scheduling tool
is already there in Linux to do this. Use
the "sudo crontab -e"
command to invoke the Cron editor. Add the
following entry for a reboot every
Wednesday at 3:00 am:
0 3 * * 3
The reboot.sh
script invoked above simply contains the
reboot command:
sudo shutdown -r now
The source code and HTML code
contains French web labels as my main language is
French. Spend a few minutes of translation work in
the source code and HTML pages and you will have
an interface that speaks to you in your