VE2ZAZ/B 144 MHz WSPR Transmit Beacon
By: Bertrand Zauhar, VE2ZAZ - VA2IW

Last updated: 2025/02/25.
The latest changes are shown in red font

utput Power:
WSPR Generator:
144.490460 MHz, WSPR-modulated. Frequency is GPS-referenced.
VE2ZAZ/B, sent at the end of each WSPR Tx cycle.
Approximately 500 mW at the antenna.
EggBeater-II (home made). Horizontal polarization at the horizon.
FN25bk (Gatineau, Québec, Canada). 45° 26' 22'' N  75° 52' 29'' W
10m (32 ft) above ground.
Ultimate3S from QRP Labs, modified for improved 2m WSPR stability.
Additional 144 MHz Cavity-tuned band-pass filter.

More detail on the hardware described above is available here. The beacon frequency is now referenced to a 10MHz GPS-disciplined Oscillator, with an accuracy of better than 0.0001 ppm (1x10-10

NOTE: This WSPR beacon may be disabled during VHF/UHF contests.

Do not under-estimate VHF weak signal performance. Some good reception reports were provided from up to 400 km away! Reception reports are welcome via email. Contact here.